
Aggie astronaut!

Check this out! Mike Fossum is a NASA astronaut and also a graduate of Texas A&M! On June 9, 2008 he was in space in the middle of a mission. The entire crew's wake-up call from Mission Control that morning was The Spirit of Aggieland performed by the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band (not live, of course). Afterwards, they told him that he had moved into 12th place (how fitting!) on the list of astrnoauts with the most time spent in space walks!

Gig 'em!


Our big boy!

So I know this event is in the past, but I wanted to share these pictures of William. (by the way, is there propper blogging etiquette about thatkind of stuff? are you supposed to post only on current events? anyway...) This was on Mother's Day - we went to the park to play and had a picnic. He just looked like such a big boy when I downloaded the pictures and started looking at them... It was the first time I truly realized he was not a baby anymore :(

an observation on shoes

So I am teaching summer school this month and I glanced down at the feet of one of the little girls in my class and what did I see? jellies!!!!!! (Is that what they are calling them this time around?) Maybe they have been "back" for awhile and I am just now noticing, but simply seeing a pair of those things makes me cringe! Dont' get me wrong, I sacrificed practical for fashion and wore several different pairs of them when I was in elementary school. But the memory of post-recess playground rocks combined with the sweat from a PLASTIC shoe is anything but pleasant. Do the moms of these kids remember the jellies of the past? And even if they don't, seriously, they are just not very attractive.

Please excuse my rant - I am finished :)



So I also now have a facebook page... don't ask me why but I am actually glad that I did (mike again just shook his head...). I am not a very good correspondent (hence, the blog), but I have re-found several very good friends with whom I had lost touch or at least lost up-to-date information on. I used to think It may seem a little informal at times, but I have decided that I will take advantage of all modern technology available to at least stay "in the know" of good people in my life.
God bless good friends and the ways you find your way back to them even when you never really meant to loose it!


summer fun!

In the interest of cheap summer fun, we proudly present "Sprinkler in the Front Yard!" starring William Preston. Mostly, he just runs up to the water streams, flaps his arms, screams, and tries to drink it. A little like a chicken caught in the rain...

a milestone

I turned 30 this past Saturday. I am still not really sure how I feel about it. I guess I am officially "grown-up". I was definitely upset the day before, but Saturday came and went and I am still here!
I am such a home-body. I really did have a wonderful day. Our friend, Emily, took me to see Sex and the City (yes - finally!) and then we bought way too much food at Central Market and cooked a late dinner with the guys. Definitely not exciting, but totally my speed! Mike and I are going to the Dominican Republic towards the end of July to celebrate our big 3-0 this year (mike's b-day was April 5th)

I'll try!

Well, I am going to try and maintain a blog! (Mike just shook his head and left the room...) Let's see how it goes! I've never even kept a diary... this should be interesting.