we're like this:
the Preston boys and Dr. Poole
I was counting the other day all the visits we have made to the pediatrician in the past couple of months.
Let's see, William had his seasonal flu shot at the beginning of October (that's one, one dr. visit - muah, ah, ah, ahhhhh).
Then Dr. Poole saw Ryan in the hospital - twice! (that's three, three dr. visits - muah, ah, ah, ahhhhhh).
And of course, Ryan had a 2-day and a 2-week check-up. (up to five now!).
At some point in the middle of this, William went in for the first part of his H1N1 shot (six!).
Ryan had a cold at about 6 weeks so we went in just to make sure all was okay (seven dr. visits - muah, ah, ah, ahhhhh).
Then we were back for Ryan's 2 month check-up (EIGHT!).
Then William had a cold that I was SURE had developed into an ear infection cuz they always do (NINE) but of course, it hadn't!
William had a 3-year check-up, but we got to combine that with the second part of the H1N1 shot (TEN). [a sidenote: when we went for the yearly check-up, dr. poole was looking at Will's ears and remarked, "they look a little bit inflamed" That's right! he goes in for a check-up and comes out with an antibiotic prescription for an ear infection! and it's not the first time it has happened...]
And finally (I hope!) we went today for the cold/RSV/what is this? visit
That is ELEVEN doctor visits in the past couple of months. We (well, actually, United Health Insurance) are keeping this place afloat!!!
In all seriousness however, we are so very grateful. There has been nothing dramatic and everyone seems to be healthy as soon as Ryan gets over his icky stuff. I have been off work and was able to get the boys there quickly. The office is super-close to the house and everyone there is just so wonderful!
Here's to springtime soon!
sick baby
Good news: it is not RSV
Bad news: it is not RSV... yet
Doctor said his lungs, chest, and ears are all clear and look wonderful. But then again, she said it might just be starting up. We were sent home with all the signs of RSV to watch for and the list of the 4 different doctors that are available on call for Dr. Poole's patients during Thur/Fri holidays and the weekend.
Here's hoping we don't need them!!!
and Lucy makes four
2 months
Hope everyone is having a merry holiday season!
He is definitely putting on a few pounds! His 2 month check-up was great - being the bad mom that I am, I don't have the details right in front of me - but he is fabulous!
and here is an outtake:
Did you see it?
That! Right there!
my absolute MOST favorite part of a baby - thigh rolls!! seriously adorable on any baby, not just mine - ha!
What's that? You want to see him again? Well, okay.
and just 'cause I smile every time I see this:
Happy Birthday!!
can't BELIEVE I didn't post these yet!!
We have had these for a few weeks and I just realized I never posted them. And yes, he is the. cutest. baby. ever. (tied with William, of course!)
(and again, three cheers for Zoe!)
#326 deserves some explanation
#325: His super-fine (not fine like amazing, but fine as in the texture), not easily managed hair that he has passed on to one, and probably two, children. Weird, huh? But every time I am trying to get William's hair to lay down flat on his head, I think of Mike!
#324: He recognizes my lack of morning person-ness and while he often harasses me just for a reaction at 6am, he generally respects the fact that no intelligible words come from my mouth for at least 30 minutes after I wake up.
Good lord! I just realized the amount of stuff I am going to have to write - here's hoping he stays on my good side!
Oh yeah, #323: His laugh when something is genuinely funny and he can't help but die laughing!
more reasons to love this guy!
But this man... I love him like crazy! Here's reason # 326:
I was going through our camera after we got home from the hospital with Ryan and I found this:
This must have been when I was finally able to take a shower and he was alone with Ryan because I did NOT remember it.
I started to ask him what in the heck he was doing and then I remembered this:
This is from when William was born. We laughed about this for awhile afterward. Mike was trying to take a picture of himself with Will in the mirror. Obviously, the flash interfered.
Mike wanted to give Ryan the same opportunity that William had! And so he did this:
And look! He held the camera out to the side of his face :)
love you!
Jesus needs a party!
Will has made the connection that your birthday party is for when you were born. We were discussing that Christmas is when Jesus was born and Will decided that Jesus should have a birthday party. I tried to explain that Christmas is the celebration of his birth. Oh no, Christmas is not good enough...
... Will informed me that Jesus should have a Mickey Mouse party. And, apparently, he needs cake too!
In other news, Will would like a "Santa tree" (he will NOT call it a Christmas tree) in his backyard. He was quite confused at the fact that people put trees in their houses. "Trees go outside!"
oh sweet boy! how much fun we are going to have this Christmas!!!
maternity pics
one month pictures
I have seen lots of pics of babies throughout their first year where they wear the same outfit and sit in the same place each month so you get a good visual on their growth. Well, I decided to try it! And THIS is why we asked Zoe to do the newborn pics :) A professional I am not!
(by the way, I bought this cute little knitted hat and diaper cover for his newborn pics, but we didn't end up needing them. so gosh darn it, I am going to get my money's worth!)
This was the one month picture:
and here are the outtakes!
this one says, "Here comes that crazy lady again with the camera!"
and then there is "no pictures, please!"
I can't believe it almost time to do them for two months!
here we go again!
I know it's been awhile and that does NOT mean that things have not been crazy. In fact, it has been the norm - not the exception. But this morning in particular, I nearly died!!
We were all packed in the car (William, Ryan, diaper bag, backpack, lunch box, and me!), the temperature hovering around 35 degrees (I live in Texas for crying out loud! this is not normal!), ready to pull out and take Will to school this morning when William pipes up from the back seat in his most calm voice, "Mommy, I want to talk to you for a minute."
I had a millisecond thought that my almost-three-year-old-crazy-child had been replaced by a mature, sophisticated adult adult. Then I turned around and saw him sitting there in his fleece hat with ear flaps and snapped back to reality. I politely replied, "What did you want to talk about honey", honestly expecting him to lead off with, "I've decided to pursue my interest in international affairs". Instead, I got...
... "About when I go poo-poo in my diaper."
ah, yes. that's more like it! I said, "What did you want to say about that?" He stayed quiet for a second or two and our conversation digressed to the topic of using the potty instead of diapers, etc,etc. (yes! we are still potty training! any hints?!)
but seriously! "Mommy, I want to talk to you for a minute." Who's kid is this?!
20 questions
1. What is your favorite thing to snack on while you're blogging?
wine (late night) and Goldfish crackers
2. What is one thing you wouldn't want to live without?
can't name just one: DVR, memory seats in my car, dual sinks in the master bath, camera (and oh yeah, the two most beautiful boys in the world and their amazing daddy!)
hhhhmmmm... used to think I was pro-Mountains, but a recent trip to the Dominican (actually it was not so recent - sad...) has started my conversion to pro-Beach
4. What's your least favorite chore/household duty?
cleaning. anything. seriously. I hate it and it hates me.
5. Who do people say you remind them of?
for real, I used to get comments that I looked like Tonya Harding. flattering, isn't it?
SUCH a homebody - I have been known to fall asleep on someone's shoulder out at the bar (no! not a stranger! a friend)
7. What's your all time favorite movie?
The Cutting Edge (every once in awhile, I have a random D.B. Sweeney sighting on TV - let me know if you see him in something!) - and Star Wars - and James Bond
sleep is waaaaaaay more important that removing make-up
9. Do you have a hidden talent or a deep desire to learn something that you've never had a chance to learn? What is it?
I would love to learn to play tennis - exciting, isn't it? and graphic design.
I am an expert at grammar. punctuation, no. but grammar, yes. I don't know why - I don't even like to write. I think it has to do with all the logical rules that go with it. But don't even get me started on misplaced apostrophes and dangling participles... (and I am a fluent Spanish-speaker - go figure!)
11. What first attracted you to your spouse?
he is funny and charismatic and such a natural people-person. I, on the other hand, am not.
the beginning of a rain shower, freshly mowed grass, freshly-baked cookies, hubby's aftershave
13. Tell something about you that you know irritates people.
I tend to think I can do anything without any help.
uh, spend it.
15. Are you a silent laugher or a loud laugher? What makes you laugh the hardest?
loud. dry, sarcastic humor makes me laugh
'cause I am such the fashionista, I prefer Ann Taylor Loft and Target (that's right, I said it!)
17. What's one thing you'd do more often if you had more time?
sleep. without question. sleep.
let's be honest - I am a spender unfortunately. not a big spender because there is not a lot of extra to spend, but I am trying hard to be more frugal.
19. Who is your favorite character of all time?
(what kind of question is this?!)
not so much. well, maybe... if I could become instantly un-famous whenever I wanted
So, its your turn...tag!