

At the pediatrician yesterday, R was SUPPOSED to have his 15 month check-up.
{We got the check-up and vaccinations, but also came away with a double ear infection diagnosis and an antibiotic prescription.}

At the pediatrician yesterday, W was SUPPOSED to have his hearing rechecked after he failed his hearing screening at his 4 yr check-up and fluid was found in his ear.
{He had been sick all weekend and so the hearing test didn’t happen. Instead, he got a flu test (negative, thank goodness!), a double ear infection diagnosis, and an antibiotic prescription}

2 children
4 infected ears
2 antibiotic prescriptions
2 shots (vaccines for R)
2 probable ENT referrals (we will recheck ears in 3 weeks)
2 probable sets of tubes

And while we are talking about things to make our life a little easier, let’s discuss the antibiotics. I LOVE our pediatrician and I know this is the way medicine goes, but it just doesn’t make sense to me:
- the boys are on two different antibiotics
- one has to be refrigerated; the other can’t be refrigerated;
- one is given twice a day; the other is given once a day;
- the dosing for each is 6ml (something the same!); but you know how much the dosing syringe holds? yup. 5ml. nice. reload.

So when W was still running a decent fever last night and I was hacking up all kinds of nastiness (remnants from my weekend cooties), it was decided that I would stay home with W today. Today is Feb. 8. Between the ice, snow, and cooties, he has not been to school since Jan. 31.

The good news? It is supposed to snow and ice again tonight. bring it.

P.S. Everything else checked out great for R at his check-up. Dr. Poole was impressed by his verbal (i.e. shrieking and yelling and pointing) skills. He is 15% for weight, 35% for height, and 75% for his head. Remember when he looked like this?!?!


go ahead and call it

I gave it a valiant effort. At one point, I thought I might make it to the finish line. In fact, I was actually enjoying myself.

And then, all of a sudden, it was over. At precisely 4:35 this afternoon, the realization of what I was dealing with hit me like a ton of bricks and I was done.

maybe it was the sudden, for-no-reason-at-all allergy attack;
maybe it was the 15 month old screaming bloody murder, then just smiling once you looked at him;
maybe it was the super-awesome idea to make cookies from scratch with the 4 year old;
maybe it was the dog peeing on the carpet;
maybe it was the oh-so-charming sound of Nick Jr. in the background; 
maybe it was the impending mark of 96 hours straight with my little lovelies (minus 2 separate 30 minute trips to Target – praise the lord!)

whatever it was, the point was made. Can I PLEEEEEASE go back to work?

To be completely honest, we have had a great time these past few days. There has been cooking, playing, and projecting. The boys have been sleeping relatively late (8:00 is like heaven around here, y’all), taking great naps, and having so much fun playing together. The house has stayed relatively picked up and dishes were done. And looking back, it has been good for us. We haven’t eaten out once. And I have cooked every night + one breakfast. R has worn pajamas for 4 days straight (and yes, he got clean ones every day). W only got dressed because, “Mommy, I want to.” {Poor guy, he hasn’t left the house since Mon. afternoon – I think it was wishful thinking on his part. In fact, W was playing with R and pretending to take him to school.}

But today. Today, I was going to be productive. A shirt project for R was finished. I washed and put away a bunch of dishes. I showered (don’t laugh. it has been a little difficult with Mike at work and me not getting up before the boys). I. Cleaned. Out (and organized). The. Pantry! I thought about doing the taxes (a big step, actually). Cookies were made. from scratch.

And I should have known it would do me in.

Good news: Mike is off tomorrow and can take W out in the snow. We might actually make it above freezing so I might roll the dice and head out for a third trip to Target. watch out!