
happy Sunday

We had a pretty mellow day around here. W and I went to church while Mike stayed home with R, who has a cold.

Today was the first Sunday of the month, Communion Sunday at our church. {As Methodists, we believe that all those who believe in Christ, regardless of age, religion, denomination, church membership, etc. can partake in Communion. With W turning 4, he is officially out of nursery/playroom during service. Normally, the kids leave and go to Children’s Church after the children’s time during service. However, on Communion Sunday, they don’t have Children’s Church.} All this is to explain that W took Communion today. I tried to explain a bit in basic terms but I don’t think he really understood.

When it was his turn, our wonderful Pastor Brady knelt down in front of William, placed a piece of bread in his hand and said simply, “When you dip the bread in the juice and eat it, remember how much God loves you.”


that is exactly what it is. and nothing more. remember how much God loves you.

we said a small prayer together at the altar so W could understand and it was the most sincere prayer I have said in a long time. it is amazing how clear everything becomes when you keep it simple.

come home. lunch. naps. Cowboy game (Gig ‘em McGee!). play. dinner. grocery store. boys to bed. and now here. I have to go because Mike and I are starting a workout plan/thing/whatever. yikes!

I leave you with a W pic from our museum trip this past week and R from today:



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