

As I am was doing some stuff for the little man's SECOND birthday party, I remembered this:
(it was made for his first birthday party and yes, I still cry whenever I watch it!)


Paige said...

oh that hurts me to watch! I can't believe how much he has grown up! He is truly not a baby anymore...sniff sniff...

Dennis and Leslie said...

Happy Birthday William!

Zoe-D said...

I coulen't watch but a few seconds before I started crying - and I haven't even met your son! Just (yet) another reminder of how fast they grow. Dangit!

Dennis and Leslie said...

p.s. I gave you a blog award, read my latest post :)

Amanda said...

Martha! He is SO cute! I loved watching the video...it made me cry too! And I've loved catching up with you guys via the blog. Plus, I'm totally taking hints from you on other blogs you like....I think I have an addiction...a blogging addiction!