This is my Grammy's piano. She recently moved out of her house and was generous enough to pass it on to us! I can't wait to get it all tuned up and play it! And I really can't wait until William is old enough to take piano lessons!
I have some beautiful old, faded sheet music that I bought at an antique store. I am going to get them framed and hang on the wall above the piano. And a new lamp is definitely in order!
Please excuse all the kiddo's toys in the picture. Right beyond the scope of the camera lens is about eight times as much. Out of control! This poor room in our house has no label. It is not our main living room/den. It is DEFINITELY not a sitting room. It can't be the front room because it is at the back of the house, just off the kitchen. And I don't want it to be just a play room. Any ideas for a room name? Creativity is encouraged!
How about calling it the parlor?
Love the piano!! I'm sure Mike has played his self written song for you by now.
I think it should be called Mike and Nicks BAR
O and there will be much Tom McGraw played on it. The piano that is
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